■ 인칭대명사
1) 대명사는 숙어 동사(phrasal verb) 사이에 쓴다.
* I cut up half of one large banana and put it in cereal.
2) 소유격 대명사와 관사는 같이 쓸 수 없다.
* The our employees and juggling work with having to look after children.(T/F)
3) 소유격 대명사와 숫자는 대명사가 앞에 나온다.
* Two my kids have been begging for a little puppy all year.(T/F)
4) 소유대명사
* mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs는 그 자체가 대명사이므로 뒤에 명사를 쓰지 않는다.
- DNA testing has verified to more men to discover that their children are not biologically theirs children.(T/F)
■ 부정대명사의 대명사
개념상 단수이므로 he(his) or she(her)로 쓰는게 맞으나 편의상 복수 사용
* Anyone can learn to dance if he or she wants to.
* Anyone can learn to dance if they want to.
* Everyone has his or her own way of learning.
* Everyone has their own way of learning.
■ 집합명사의 대명사
audience, class, committee, company, council, crew, crowd, family, government, group, gang, jury, staff, team
* My family is large. It is composed of nine members. : family라는 그룹에 대한 대명사
* My family is loving and supportive. They are always ready to help me.
: 각 구성원에 대한 대명사
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